Course Description

The basic objectives of this course are to provide you with a broad introduction to e-marketing concepts, help you understand the factors that influence e-marketing decisions, and focus attention on the vital role of e-marketing in today’s global economy. The specific objectives for student learning under this broad goal are:

1. To understand the impacts of disruptive technologies and new business models on competitive business ecosystems and society. To understand key e-commerce concepts and technologies, infrastructures, and Web 2.0 applications to support m-commerce.

2. To develop and apply analytical skills to solve e-marketing problems in the context of new product development, online advertising and promotion, pricing, and affiliate marketing.

3. To utilize spreadsheets to analyze web metrics and web site data for the purpose of identifying, targeting, engaging, and retaining customers.

4. To understand how digital technologies can be used to create customer value, within the bounds of the ethical and legal environment with specific focus on information privacy and data security. 5. To provide you with a firm foundation in e-marketing theory and technology concepts and lexicon. 6. To comprehend e-marketing decisions, based upon the combination of product, price, promotion, and distribution elements. In this course, you will study B2B, B2C, and C2C markets with a specific focus on value creation using technology

Vickens Moscova

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Class Overview, Website Creation, DMP

    • Course Syllabus

    • Weekly Study Plan for Marketing


  • 2

    Disruptive Technologies and The Internet of Things (IOT)

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Disruptive Technologies and the Internet of Things I class

    • Disruptive Technologies and the Internet of Things I

    • Disruptive Technologies and the Internet of Things II

    • Disruptive Technologies and the Internet of Things III

    • Disruptive Technologies and the Internet of Things IV

    • McKinsey The Internet of Things

    • McKinsey, IT-enabled business trends

    • McKinsey Disruptive Technologies Full report May 2013

    • Bold

  • 3

    E-Commerce Fundamentals

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • E-Commerce Fundamentals I

    • E-commerce II

    • E-commerce technologies note

    • Internet and Communication Technologies

    • Internet Infrastructure

  • 4

    Value Creation and Digital Marketing Strategy

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Value Creation and Digital Strategy

    • Value Creation and Digital Strategy I

    • Value Creation and Digital Strategy II

  • 5

    Digital Branding

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Digital Branding I

    • Digital Branding II

    • Digital Branding III

    • Free The Future Of A Radical Price

    • Fuggetta, Brand Advocates

    • Kumaroni, Brand Communities

    • Weill, Digital Ecosystem

    • Digital Branding in class

  • 6

    Internet Business Models and Monetization

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Networks, Business Models, and Monetization I

    • Networks, Business Models, and Monetization II

    • Porter, Strategy and the Internet

    • Sinfield, New Business Models Sloan 2012

    • Business Model Innovation BCG

    • Internet Business Models and Monetization In Class

    • McKinsey Car Buying Experience

    • Morgan Stanley eCommerce Disruption

  • 7

    Social Networks and Social Business

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Social Networks and Social Business I

    • Social Networks and Social Business II

    • Social Networks and Social Business III

    • Kiron, Social Business Sloan 2012

    • McKinsey, How social intelligence can guide decisions

  • 8

    Affiliate Marketing and Search Engines

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • POS White Paper

    • Affilate Marketing and Search Engines I

    • Affilate Marketing and Search Engines II

    • Harden, Affiliate Marketing

    • Ledford, SEO Bible

    • McKinsey The coming era of on-demand marketing

  • 9

    Search Engine Marketing

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Google Keywords worksheet

  • 10

    Online Advertising

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Online Advertising

    • How to buy an Ad

    • Overdriveinteractive, digital-advertising-bible

  • 11

    Social Media Marketing

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Social Media Marketing I

    • Social Media Marketing II

    • Simonson, Online Reviews

    • Social Media Map

    • Aral Social Media HBR 2013

    • Mount Brand Rejuvenation

    • Porter Virtual Communities

  • 12

    Ethics, Digital Security, Information Privacy

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Ethics, Digital Security and Information Privacy

    • Kirby HBR 2012

    • Urban, Customer Advocacy

  • 13

    Mobile Marketing

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Mobile Marketing

    • McKinsey Global Mobile Payments

    • Mobile Marketing and the Law

    • Baker, Mobile Marketing Legally

    • KPMG, Mobile Evolution I

  • 14

    Web Analytics I

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Web Analytics I

    • Barton, Advanced Analytics HBR 2012

    • Hoffman ROI Social Media

    • Ledford, Google Analytics

    • Nichols Advertising Analytics HBR 2013

    • Barton, Advanced Analytics HBR 2012

  • 15

    Web Analytics II

    • Downloads / Powerpoints

    • Web Analytics II

    • Clifton, Web Traffic